
Differences in Bearing Fruit

How do we account for the fact that some Christians will bear only 30 fold fruit and others will bear 60 or 100 fold?

It can be accounted for by the fact that God places Christians in widely different settings, some more conducive to fruit-bearing than others. And it can be accounted for by God's Providential ordering and placement of each Christian. It can be accounted for abiding in Him, and learning to keep His commands. And also by how closely each Christian follows their Lord in terms of the use of their spiritual gift. So we can think of the differences in fruit bearing coming from God's Providence, abiding in Christ, and being faithful to use the gift that you have been given. These three things. Let's look at them in that order.

Jun 12, 2022
Sunday School
Acts 9:10-19; John 15:7-10
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