
The Land of the Seven Tribes

194 ( 59 | 135 )

The Lord made all the promises and provisions for His people of Israel, but they weren't willing to do the work. They were no longer a people who were wandering around in the wilderness. The Tabernacle was permanently set up in their midst. But seven of the tribes did not yet have their inheritance, and they were basically sitting around doing nothing. It is sad but true that many are barred from entering the heavenly Canaan and enjoying the blessings of a relationship with God because of their own slackness and failure to make an effort to take possession of them. How often do we get satisfied with the things of this life instead of storming the gates of heaven?

Joshua sent 21 surveyors to make a record of the rest of the land that was yet to be divided. They brought this record to Shiloh, where the presence of the Lord dwelt among His people; and there Joshua cast lots for the rest of the tribes so that the Lord's choice would determine who received what portion of land. Hundreds of years after the fact, the Lord was still being faithful to His promise to Abraham and fulfilling His Word for His people!

After all the tribes had received their inheritance, Joshua asked for and was given a humble piece of property for his own personal possession. He could have demanded the best lots available in Canaan; but instead, like Jesus, he challenged the people to act, yet he himself went before and set the example.

The Lord's promises are meant to be stimulants, not sedatives. Heaven and a relationship with God are within our reach... will we stretch out our hand to take possession of them?

Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Service
Joshua 18
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