
The Invasion of Gog and Magog - Part 1


In Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, the Bible prophecies a still future invasion that will take place in the Mideast called the Battle of Gog and Magog. Many speculations have been made about this battle, some equating it with the Battle of Armageddon, others linking it to the final battle on earth in Revelation 20 after the Millennial Kingdom. But if you take all of the details provided in Scripture, it seems to be separate from either of those. The Invasion of Gog and Magog involves a Russian-led coalition of forces that seem to be bound by a common religious structure more than anything else. The battle is fought under the guise of riches, but the goal is to destroy Israel. Ezekiel lists eight nations that will be involved, but to determine the coinciding nations of today, a look back at the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 is necessary. Using historical records for the names listed there, we can conclude with a relatively good degree of accuracy the countries that will be involved in this attack. The relevant question for today is whether we are seeing the beginning stages of this conflict emerge in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Service
Ezekiel 38-39; Genesis 10
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