
Become Like Me!


How is it possible for someone to desert the faith which they once held? That question not only puzzles us today, but also Paul in his relationship with the Galatians. He was astonished that they so quickly deserted the true gospel and embraced the teaching of the Judaizers and their salvation by God's grace through faith plus works. After defending his apostleship and the source of his message in chapters 1-2, Paul becomes the theological and demolishes the arguments of the Judaizers in Galatians 2:16-4:7. But in Galatians 4:8, Paul changes from theologian to pastor, and makes a personal appeal to the believers at Galatia to 'become like me'. His concern is that all of his blood, sweat, and tears he had invested in the lives of the Galatians was all in vain as they were reverting back to a works-based, legalistic salvation and way of life. He desires for them to 'become like' him, in that Paul, the consummate legalist gave up trying to develop his own righteousness in order to embrace Jesus Christ as savior and Lord! And Paul 'became like them' in that while ministering to the Gentiles, he did not expect them to adopt his Jewish ways, but 'became all things to all men that he may by all means save some.' Paul modeled what it means to be free in Christ! So, become like me-- free in Christ to pursue knowing Christ and His righteousness. Don't go backwards, but forwards, pressing on to maturity in Christ. Become like me!

May 5, 2019
Sunday Service
Galatians 4:8-12
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