
Do You Want To Be Healed?

The Last Sermon of Four Sermons of our Spring Meetings the Series base on Questions of Live- Establishing Foundations worthy of Building on. And things that that God in his word wants us to wants to heal us. And so that brings us to the to the next thought. What does a healed life look like? Is it possible? It was just this. Just a pie in the sky, something that it's out there and maybe some days we might get there. And praise the Lord is not that. Now sanctification is something that we just talked about. It being a. Process and the more you the deeper you go in in sanctification, the more you realize there is Jesus talks about us being perfect being complete. And we realized that that there that's an ever expanding goal. You know, when I was taking language lessons, trying to learn Romanian and after a while I was like, wow, I've. I've kind of got this. I have I have, you know, a nice list of vocab words. I figured out the grammar over the little bit, and then it's one of those things you realize that that the more you know, the more you realize that there is to learn yet. And it just grows and grows. And there's things about that in life and some of the younger ones looking at do you turn around and look at some of the Gray haired ones behind you like wow that? They pretty much got it together, don't they? And then you ask some of the ones with the Gray hair and they're like, we've got a lot to learn yet. Don't get discouraged. But, but there's always more to learn, and sanctification is like that. The healing process is like that. So I'm asking you, don't get discouraged that that you're not totally healed yet. It's OK. But we can go to.

Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Service
John 5
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