

Third Sermon of Four Sermons of our Spring Meetings the Series base on Questions of Live- Establishing Foundations worthy of Building on.
They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them and he said Nay father Abraham. But if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto them, if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded. Their one rose from the dead. Amen. A sobering passage. A man who fared sumptuously every day. Life was good. No cares. No worries, obviously. Or maybe there were but. Weren't necessarily on the surface. And he also lacked in having a giving spirit and a caring spirit. And. And. The beggar, Lazarus. That's was at his gate. He did not care for him. And then after they both died, the tables are turned. We find Lazarus in Abraham's bosom being comforted in Paradise, and we find the rich man in hell tormented. And. Verse 26 is going to be one of our key verses for today between us and you there is a great golf fixed. And in this rich man would love for lasers to be able to bridge that gap. So bring him. And is it, isn't it so ironic? He said just. Water on the tip of his finger. To cool my tongue. And in the tournament that he's in, we kind of grasp the situation of how long that cruelness would actually last. Not very long. But just a bit of relief from that torment. And then in in the discussion about his, his brother and  Abraham saying well, they have Moses and the prophets. He said no, no, they won't listen to them. I know them they're not going to listen to them and probably because he's thinking well I didn't listen to Moses.

Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Service
Luke 16
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