There is No God In Israel
Series 2024 Spring Meetings
First Sermon of Four Sermons of our Spring Meetings the Series base on Questions of Live- Establishing Foundations worthy of Building on.
Why can't we do this God's way? Do we have to look to the world? For the solutions to our problems, we have them. They're all around us. It's called life. Do we have to look to the world for those solutions? Or can we look to God? For those solutions. Does the evidence of God working? In our lives. Not compel us to defer to his leading in our lives. Because I think back over. My life ends. Sometimes in. Conversations with high school students, you know the big questions are what kind of job am I going to have? Should I go to Bible school? Should I go to? Where should I go to service? Who am I going to marry? Does God want me to stay in this community? Does he want me to move somewhere? Else big questions, real questions. And I've often used the phrase God enjoys leading his children. God is not a God who sits up there and says. Wonder if you can figure this one out. But that that's not who God is. God enjoys leading his children. He enjoys. Giving us principles of life principles. From his word that that we can apply to our lives, they give us the keys to these problems. Whether it's. Whether it's relationships within the church or In the family.
Sermon ID | 5524122451317 |
Duration | 57:28 |
Date | Apr 11, 2024 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | 1 Kings 22; 2 Kings 1 |
Language | English |