
Better Priest, Better Future

We have been talking at length over the last few months about how Jesus' ministry is superior to Aaron's. The Levitical system was not a live religious option for anyone in here. I know that. But the point of this look at Hebrews has been to help us understand the relationship between the testaments and, more importantly, to understand the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ. Jesus' ministry is superior to Aaron's in every way, so much so that in some ways, I feel that I have been preaching the same sermon for months. But it is never tiresome to proclaim the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ! Our text this morning is no exception. It proclaims the superiority of Christ over the old covenant priesthood in the purification He made and the offering He offered, and follows that up with a reminder that His ministry is also superior because of its future dimension. Aaron was faithful during his lifetime, but he never promised the Israelites "I will return someday to take you all to heaven." Such a thought is ludicrous when applied to a merely human high priest. But it is not ludicrous at all when applied to Christ our Lord. He is the perfect priest whose perfect sacrifice saved us forever— and this will be proven when He returns to save us.

May 26, 2024
Sunday - AM
Hebrews 9:23-28
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