
The Voice of Rev. John Wylie

Far too often we forget the wonderful ways that God worked in the mighty revivals of old. We also forget the testimony of the men that God used. Mighty men. Men who prayed and preached under the power of the Holy Ghost. Through electronic means, some of these voices have been preserved so we can remember voices from the past.

John Wylie was a true Protestant pioneer for the work of Christ in Northern Ireland. He was born in 1913 to a religious, but not Christian, family. Saved at age 19, he felt the call to preach a short time later. In 1952, he entered the work of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster and was mightily used of God in the formation of that denomination. John Wylie was a fearless preacher. Once while street preaching he was severely beaten and received a broken nose, barely escaping with his life. Yet he returned later to the same spot to preach again. Mr. Wylie stood strong for religious freedoms throughout his country. And in 1966 was arrested, along with Dr. Paisley, when he refused to be silent about the ecumenical compromise in Ulster.

Buy this and other digitally-remastered rare recordings and sermons on a high-quality Audio CD. Follow the link below! (Copyright © 2004 Ambassador-Emerald Productions, www.emeraldhouse.com).

May 13, 2004
Classic Audio
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