Man: The Crown of Creation
Series Themes from the Pentateuch
I. Human being are created in the image/likeness of God
A. what this does not mean—not physical appearance
B. what this does mean—moral likeness
C. what are the implications of this truth--
1. we bear God’s image in the world
2. all humans have dignity, purpose
3. the true image-bearer is Jesus Christ
II. Humans beings are created to subdue the earth
A. to be subordinate rulers – “viceroys” or “regents”
B. an example of this: Adam – Gen. 2:15,19
C. what is the implication of this truth—we can glorify
God in our everyday work
III. Human beings are to glorify God by being fruitful
A. not just a few, but vast multitude is to be in heaven
B. this task is to be fulfilled through marriage
C. what are the implications of this truth--
1. stand against the currents around us
2. points to Christ and the church
Application: man’s purpose is glorify God in …
Sermon ID | 490715506 |
Duration | 33:34 |
Date | Apr 8, 2007 |
Category | Sunday - PM |
Bible Text | Ephesians 5:22-32 |
Language | English |
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