
God's Adorable Providence

Divine providence is the daily, constant sovereign rule of our God over all things for the accomplishment of his eternal purpose of grace in predestination.

Predestination is the sovereign, eternal, immutable, unalterable purpose of God almighty, by which he ordained and ordered, according to his own will and good pleasure, all things that come to pass in time.

Divine providence is the accomplishment of God's sovereign will and purpose. Providence is God doing in time what he purposed in eternity. Providence is God sovereignly and absolutely bringing to pass in time what he predestined in eternity.

Predestination is God's purpose. Providence is God's execution of his purpose.

Hear me well. — Be sure you understand the doctrine of Holy Scripture with regard to the providence of God. Nothing in the universe happens by luck, chance, fortune, or accident. Everything that comes to pass in time was purposed by our God in eternity, and is brought to pass by his holy, wise, adorable, and good providence. Nothing comes to pass in time that God did not purpose in eternity, in sovereign predestination. And all that God purposed in in eternal predestination he sovereignly brings to pass in his providence.

Apr 5, 2020
Sunday Service
Romans 8:28
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