
Letters of Samuel Rutherford (Complete and Unabridged) 13 of 64

Spurgeon said, 'What a wealth of spiritual ravishment we have here! Rutherford is beyond all praise of men. Like a strong-winged eagle he soars into the highest heaven and with unblenched eye he looks into the mystery of love divine.'

Continuing, he comments, 'let the world know that Spurgeon held Rutherford's Letters to be the nearest thing to inspiration which can be found in all the writings of men... none penetrated further into the innermost heart of holy fellowship with Jesus. Whenever we think of him we compare him to Milton's Uriel, the angel that stood in the sun itself.'

Richard Baxter commented, 'Hold off the Bible, such a book as Mr. Rutherford's Letters, the world never saw the like.'

And Cecil notes, 'It is one of my classics. Were truth the beam, I have no doubt that if Homer, and Virgil, and Horace, and all that the world has agreed to idolize, were weighed against that book, they would be lighter than vanity. He is a real original' (Remains cited in Johnston's The Treasury of the Scottish Covenant).

Walker adds his voice to this chorus of praise noting that these letters 'stand all alone in religious literature...' (Theologians..., p. 8).

For additional information or resources about Samuel Rutherford, please visit SWRB's home page at the 'Outside Web Link' below.

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Feb 28, 2006
2 Timothy 2:2-7
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