
What Does [It] HING On?

What Does It HING On?

Solutions HINGES On Something…

Everyone has to deal with strongholds… but not everyone deals with the strongholds fortified in our lives the right way.

We ALL need the right solutions for the wrong strongholds we find safety within.

Every Solution HINGES on Listening and Hearing the Right Answer.

Please listen to me. Most people you know have a fairly decent grip on life. It slips from time to time but those you're surrounded by usually have a similar grip on things as you do. What then is our problem? Our problem is this. We doing our best to get ahold of life yet we don't have a good grip on heaven, and its eternal purpose for us, in this life. Therefore, this position and priority puts us in a bad spot. We listening to the wrong voices. So our problem is with hearing from the right source. Whoever supports and supplies the strongholds we trust has our ear and heart. And if we're hearing from the wrong source we have trusted someone that's only going to get us slaughtered at some point. This means we we have a listening issue that will lead to trouble, every time. Why? God has answers and solutions but they hinge on us listening to God's wisdom for life. But if I'm not persuaded He has the right solution for every issue of life I won't seek nor submit to His answers for life and love. And at the end of the day, I have not learned how to take captive every thought, within myself or from others, captive to the obedience of Jesus.

The Battlefield — Our Mind — Taking Our Thinking Captive and Guarding Our Heart

We, like all of God's servants, have to learn how to guard our hearts and protect our minds. It is ever important for us to discern God'

Jul 27, 2024
Sunday Afternoon
2 Corinthians 10:6; Titus 3:3-4
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