
Looking and Listening for His Zeal

Looking and Listening for His Zeal

His zeal delivers us from someone and His zeal delivers us to Someone…

Join me as we look at a promises tucked away in Isaiah 9 that are illuminated in the Newer Testament books of Luke, Colossians and Titus.

This divine work of zeal is essential to all things of God and any work done by God — for God.

Deliverance, delight and dependence in the agenda of grace.

Grace reaches us, impeaches us and teaches us…

The zeal of God — gets in the people of God — and — the people of God — become zealous — for the eternal truth, transformation and things God is zealous for. Why? God's zeal, working in them, is zealously fulfilling His will in and through them.

So we're looking for this zeal and agenda to be manifested in those who lay claim upon Jesus and His all consuming grace.

PRIDE is tricky. Don't fall for its shenanigans. Pride is always ready to DEFEND your flesh and CREDIT you with the guts to take a stand.

Pride is not picky...

Pride couldn't care less about your humble beginnings, honored past or lifelong humble service to God and men.

You can be ignorant or brilliant or dumb as a box of rocks... pride doesn't care and it doesn't care how you got to it.

It pays no attention to how dirty and poor you may be or how wise, famous and wealthy you may be.

Pride just don't care, at all. Because it doesn't care about you. It just wants a little of you. Just a little... because you give pride an inch, it's going to naturally demand a mile from you. And before you even know it, yesterday's humility turns into pride's disability when you turn it on.

#nestingwithjesus #colossians #colossians1 #isaiah9 #titu

Sep 24, 2021
Sunday Service
Colossians 1; Isaiah 9
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