
David's Lord


One of the ways, in which, the religious leaders sought to destroy our Lord was by
seeking to trick Him into saying something that would get Him into trouble with the Jews or the
Herodians. To this end, they would ask Him questions about whether or not they should pay
taxes, what is the greatest commandment, by what authority did He throw the Money-changers
out of the temple...etc. However, He always answered their questions perfectly, and shut them
down. The truth has a way of doing that, especially when dealing with ill-motived deceivers.
Well, after they had their turn, and gave up trying to deceptively trap Him anymore, He
had a question for them, which if they had answered correctly, could very well have led them to
the truth, which they had, out of their pride and jealousy, hardened themselves against. This
morning, we will consider the question that our Lord had asked His enemies, and the profound
answer to this question. In doing so, I hope that we will get a greater appreciation for the glory
of what our Lord reveals here.

Apr 25, 2021
Sunday - AM
Matthew 22:41-46
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