
UFOs In The New Age: Extraterestrial Messages, Doctrines Of Fourth Dimension Demons

This radio show begins with a clip of a woman named Irena who claims she was contacted by space aliens while she was in prayer for her dog Jack. She says she heard the "voice of God" which consists of celestial brothers from Jupiter after they put on a light show in her backyard. She says she was attracted to one of these space travelers & ended up marrying him & is now a messenger to humans on earth concerning what these aliens have to say. More clips of this "space wife" come up during this radio broadcast.
Bill Alnor does an excellent job of analyzing the global Ufology craze that has taken place through the main stream media, such as Hollywood movies, television, magazines, etc. The general public seems to have an amazing fascination with this subject but with very little discernment. People will believe almost any theory about who or what these UFOs are EXCEPT what the Bible says about it (with the exception of wild theories about Ezekiel's wheel found in the Old Testament).
As Bill Alnor says in his book, "The spirit guides, the UFOnauts, the entities from Lemuria and Atlantis and from every other location from here to the mythical Clarion who give us new age messages these days are fallen angels. They have repackaged the same old lies they have been perpetrating against humanity from the time their leader, Satan himself, showed up in the Garden of Eden promising godhood to Adam and Eve in exchange for their disobedience to God. The Bible tells us that when he (the devil) was cast down out of heaven, he took with him one-third of the host of heaven (Revelation 12:4). These powerful beings "disguise themselves as servants of righteousness."

Apr 8, 2011
2 Corinthians 11:14-15; Revelation 12:4
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