
Does God Have The Right To End Sin? OK, we know the answer to this one, but when?


OK... First, apologies are in order. I've had major computer challenges. The old Dell died and I finally got my new iMac up and running (it's my first Mac so please feel sorry for me). So now I will begin again in earnest to give to you Pastor Chronister's latest sermons. Trust me... you're going to love these next few.
One of the things Pastor starts out with is to remind us of our motto: "Were you weird before you came to Cliffside, or did Cliffside make you weird?" Now, what kind of church has THAT for their motto? An unpopular one, that's what kind.
Now pastor starts the sermon. This is a passage of Scripture that is just amazing!... Astonishing! This sermon is on Judges 19. Pastor starts out with an entire reading of chapter 19 with some good commentary thrown in. Just what was it exactly that these men did to this woman. All the people who saw it said, "No such deed has been done or seen from the day that the children of Israel came up from the land of Egypt until this day." ...Wow. That's amazing.
Listen while Pastor Chronister describes this passage. After you hear this, you'll never forget it.
All right... Let's get started. Go ahead, open your Textbook and press play.

Mar 20, 2011
Sunday Service
Ezekiel 38; Judges 19
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