
Christ In The Old Testament? He is everywhere, and if you don't find Him.. then what?


We left off last lecture with Elisha refusing payment (probably more than two million dollars' worth) for healing Naaman of leprosy. Leprosy = Death = Sin. There's no possible payment you could make for the forgiveness of sin or healing from leprosy for that matter. But Naaman was asking for two mule loads of dirt after that experience. And our pastor gave you enough to solve that in the previous lecture. To make an altar.

But... to really understand 2 Kings 5, you have to know what 2 Kings 6 is teaching. What is underneath this literally true story of the floating ax head? Stay tuned. That's coming.

Anyway, our pastor is wanting us to figure out who each of the characters in this leprosy story represent. What position is Elisha in? And what about the messenger? You've got Naaman and Gehazi... the Israelite slave girl. Naaman is easy. Unsaved people, who by nature despise God. Gehazi is a clearly the Pharisees. To solve the messenger, you go to Malachi 3:1. That's okay. There's much more I'm not telling you.

Naaman gets saved. That's pretty clear. He returns to God... and now you need the meaning of the floating iron ax head. But this is a three-part play. You must connect the story of Naaman with the Gehazi story. And now let's hear the ax head story. Press play and be amazed.

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Jan 18, 2009
Sunday Service
2 Kings 5; 2 Kings 6
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