Prepare To Meet God
morning some of us may be younger than others
but keep in mind when you are in when we are enjoying life in our youth that eternity is forever much longer than our short life span here on Earth. Psalm 90 verse 12 says so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom realizing that life is short should motivate us to use the little bit of time we have wisely
for Eternal good for bringing glory to the most high what do I want to accomplish in life before I die what small step can I take today to
come closer to fulfilling that goal we do not just think about the moment what feels good for the here and now when we make a choice we think into the future think ahead take the high road of holiness take a long-range view of Eternity make your daily decisions from God's perspective consider what impact that choice will make in 10 years from now better yet what will it what difference will it make in my destination my turtle destination you know sometimes were tempted to think that odd doesn't really matter it's just a little thing or I'll wait another five years to make the right choice you know it seems that in life many choices that we make are irreversible play stay with us for a lifetime one wrong choice will lead to another wrong choice and that wrong choice leads to another wrong choice and on it goes and we are in a downward spiral of going the wrong direction away from God there will be no peace in our life only trouble and Chaos as we continue that downward trend of making a series of wrong choices in our life we can also apply our heart to wisdom and make a right choice when we're faced with a decision and that right choice.
Sermon ID | 41622215492125 |
Duration | 37:46 |
Date | Apr 3, 2022 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Ecclesiastes 11:9 |
Language | English |