
Lessons From Leukemia

Is a very real sense, this sermon could be entitled, God's Lessons in My Leukemia. During Craig's recent cancer treatments, God has brought new life to many of his understanding of God and how God works. This message brought great encouragement to each of us as we saw, in close relief, ways God works in places we never noticed or thought about.

Our Clerk of the Elders has been battling an extremely rare form (he is one of two known cases in the world) of Leukemia for over four months now. We are rejoicing that he has a brief respite from his treatments and has regained sufficient immunity to common sicknesses that he can be in public again.

He is preaching as Pastor Jon is ministering at Quaker Cove Friends Camp during their Camp-Opening-work-weekend.

There is much more for Craig's treatment plan and soon he will not be able to meet with us for nearly four months. As we pray for him to be healed (doctors are able to treat, but only God can heal), we are so grateful for this time together.

Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Service
Matthew 6:33
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