
Their Throats are Open Tombs

Their Throats are Open Tombs

What comes up and lies under their throats is death.

Their hearts are full of lifelessness, rottenness, corruption, dryness and death (Romans 3:9-31)

"Let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4


Paul, in his letter to Rome, is stripping away the credibility of man. With each layer he removes we're finding the core of humanity is rotten.

He's chipping away at the stone stature of humanity, exposing the layers of hardness and carving out a figure that is ugly, harsh and unable to change itself. The deeper he chisels the more we see how every ounce of man, without God and His redeeming grace, in Christ, is contaminated by the fall and the curse upon humanity.

So I encourage each you to feast upon this revelation and put it to practice and apply it to all you hear, see and experience. Start with yourself and apply to everyone one until you hear, see and experience Jesus in what you or they proclaim and practice. "Let God be true, but every man a liar..." (Romans 3:4)

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Mar 17, 2022
Sunday School
Romans 3
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