
The Destiny of the Bride of Christ

Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb explores the unique role of the church as the Bride of Christ in this installment of “Encounter God’s Truth.”
God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end, and we learn in this broadcast that it will be at the future Marriage Supper of the Lamb—when Jesus Christ will return from heaven in glory—that this relationship of Christ to His church will be displayed before the nations.
Host Wayne Shepherd proceeds to inquire of Dr. Whitcomb as to how we might use our time at the close of this church age to become better prepared to meet the Lord and participate in this celebration.
We appreciate your involvement in this ministry, and encourage you to share these truths with others who need to hear!

Mar 4, 2017
Radio Broadcast
John 3:29; Revelation 19:6-21
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