
Living With Eternity in View

Peter begins this section with a command to "arm yourselves also with the same purpose" as Jesus who suffered in the flesh. We prepare ourselves defensively against evil and sin by: 1) Follow the example of Jesus Christ with His same mindset toward the purpose of our lives. 2) No longer live according to your former sinful manner of life but instead according to the will of God. 3) Be prepared to lose friends and even being blasphemed by them because you will no longer join them in their sinful pursuits. 4) Remember that God will judge everyone according to their deeds, the unrighteous in condemnation, and those made righteous by faith in Christ with rewards. 5) Take to heart the promise of the gospel that death for the Christian is only a transition to eternal life with Christ.
We arm ourselves to live in righteousness by: 1) Keep in mind that the end of all things has drawn near. 2) Be of sound judgment and sober minded for the purpose of prayer. 3) Keep fervent in your love for one another. 4) Be hospitable. 5) Minister to one another as a steward of what God has given you whether the gift, ministry and empowerment is related to speaking or serving. 6) Do all things to the glory of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Service
1 Peter 4:7-11
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