
Food Indeed!


When Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word, says that His flesh is true food and His blood true drink, He is offering us a feast in the midst of a starving world, and fountains of joy in the midst of the wilderness.

When a piece of bread is given to you, you can take it, nibble at it, and put it aside, or you can eat the whole thing. It only becomes part of you, when you consume it. To feast upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, you must appropriate it as belonging to yourself. You can only enjoy the Word of God when you see that you have a part and lot in it. When the promise assures you personally that your sin is forgiven, that you are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, that heaven is for you, that you are accepted in the Beloved, then the Word has become food indeed!

John 6:56 says that if you feast in this manner then you abide in Christ, and He abides in you. John 15 makes it clear that abiding in Christ is inseparably linked to abiding in His Word. Cherish the Word of God; receive it with intense joy! Meditate upon it; believe it deeply; it will make you strong, free and pure. Find in it more than simply your sustenance; find in it both your pleasure and your treasure. To live upon the Truth is the sure method to prevent apostasy; and he who feeds upon this true food is the blessed man!

Oct 10, 2004
Sunday Service
John 6:52-59
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