
End Times Bible Prophecy Debate: Dr. Jay Adams vs Dr. John McLean

The special guests for this theological debate are Dr Jay Adams & Dr. John McLean. Dr Adams is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, where he majored in Greek and received the A.B. degree. He earned a B.D. from the Reformed Episcopal Seminary, the S.T.M. from the Temple University School of Theology in Homiletics and a Ph.D from the University of Missouri. He has published more than 100 books. Dr John McLean earned his Ph.D from the University of Michigan & is the President of Michigan Theological Seminary. Lee Meckley is the radio host for "Christian Answers Live!"

Amillennialism teaches that the Kingdom of God will not be physically established on earth throughout the "millennium", but rather that Jesus is presently reigning from heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father, that Jesus also is and will remain with the church until the end of the world, as he promised at the Ascension,
that at Pentecost, the millennium began, as is shown by Peter using the prophecies of Joel, about the coming of the kingdom, to explain what was happening,
and that, therefore the Church and its spread of the good news is Christ's Kingdom.

Amillennialists cite scripture references to the kingdom not being a physical realm: Matthew 12:28, where Jesus cites his driving out of demons as evidence that the kingdom of God had come upon them; Luke 17:20-21, where Jesus warns that the coming of the kingdom of God can not be observed, and that it is among them; and Romans 14:17, where Paul speaks of the kingdom of God being in terms of the Christians' actions.
In particular, they regard the thousand year period as a figurative expression of Christ's reign being perfectly completed.

Aug 30, 2011
Luke 17:20-21
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