


In Luke we are studying the sections dealing with Christ and His acceptance as the Mediator and Messiah. We are heading into passages that will bring us into full view of Jesus' teachings and example of what the body of Christ is and will represent to the world.
Luke did not end there, as the Gospels are the Theology, and Decreed Commands of God. Act and the epistles are the Doctrine's in Application ans the teaching of Christ is played out for use to see and grow with.
We quickly see Christians assembled together for a common purpose, to exalt God and glorify His great name. But they did not do this in abstract worship music. They did this, throught the Local Body assembling together and calling friends together.
They did this by being obedient to proclaim the gospel, so much so that it was said of these Christians that they have captured the world.
So what is the church.
Bakers encyclopedia say's
The church is:
‎A group or assembly of persons called together for a particular purpose.
‎‎The term appears only twice in the Gospels (Mt 16:18; 18:17) but frequently in the Book of Acts, most of the letters of Paul, as well as most of the remaining NT writings, especially the Revelation of John.
‎The church, both as a universal reality and in its local, concrete expression, is more specifically designated in Paul’s writings as “the church of God” (e.g., 1 Cor 1:2; 10:32) or “the church of Christ” (Rom 16:16). A common secular Greek term receives its distinctive Christian meaning, and sets the Christian assembly/gathering/community apart from all other secular or religious groups.‎‎So the true church is the Elect believers that make up the body/bride of Christ

Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Service
Matthew 16:13-20
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