
A World on Trial

A World on Trial

A Study in Romans 3

I want us to think about this servant and his heart to teach and transform the minds of all who would one day read this word to the brethren in Rome. Nearly 80 questions and explanations are found in the book of Romans. May we read each one and seek the Lord for answers we need to trust and live for Him. Remember, let God be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4)

During an arraignment, a judge formally states the charges against the accused.

During the indictment a plain, concise and definite written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged should be read. The indictment should only contain the facts and offense or offenses necessary to inform the accused of the charges.

The Court (supreme law)

The Judge (God)

The Defense (no defense ; guilty as charged)

The Sentence (death) (mine was demised for no show)

The Pardon (How? The debt and crime was paid in full)

#nestingwithjesus #romans #romans3 #romans3and4 #romans1 #romans2 #romans1and15 #romans1and16 #john17and2thru3 #thecross #LetGodbetrue #buteverymanaliar #throatsareanopentombs #promise #promises #aworldontrial #2corinthians5and14thru21 #thegospel #icantgetoverthecross #mark8and34thru38

Mar 24, 2022
Sunday Service
Psalm 147:19-20; Romans 3
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