
What are YOU Known For?

What are YOU Known For?

Noah was known for what He preached. The times and the message he preached became synonymous with his name. The Bible refers to the waters that flooded the world in that day as the waters of Noah. (Isaiah 54:9)

We, too, preach a message that we're know for.

One of our sweet ladies trusted Jesus, through it all. I have a phrase I started using after my first few visit with her. I've always encouraged my family and flock and friends to keep their eyes on Jesus. To look unto Jesus, so we could follow His example and run our own individual race with joy. And after my time with her I kept thinking, this woman can't quit looking to Jesus. She couldn't stop looking to Him, no matter what she has to face.

She is known for the life she preached.

The waters of Noah were the instrument of judgment, as the waters of baptism reminds us of the instrument of judgement that was placed upon Christ at the cross. He and the cross picture both the flood waters of God's judgement and the safety of His ark. The cross is the flood and Jesus is the ark... and the waters of baptism are the waters of judgment that remind us the wrath/waters that fell upon Christ in our stead. And in Him we overcome that judgement when we, by faith, enter into His death, and resurrected to new life in Him.

My calling and ministry. I recall reading and believing Proverbs 16:3 and how it set me free. I share a brief view of my testimony on God doing a work in my life when I surrender to preach.

Here's a little grace tip...

The path... it doesn't need fixing, near as much as we do. So, I encourage you, don't get side tracked with the beauty or comfortable with the ease or aggravated w

Mar 23, 2022
Sunday - PM
Isaiah 54:9; Romans 1:15
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