
The Year of Grace (6) - Revival In N Antrim Ireland 1859


Upon the evening of the 7th of June 1859 , an open -air meeting was held in one of the market-places of the town, called the ' Fair - Hill.' The announced object of the meeting was to receive and hear one or two of the converts,'
as they began to be called, from a district some eight or ten miles south of Coleraine. The evening was one of the most lovely that ever shone. The richly wooded banks of the river Bann, which bounds one side of the square in which the meeting was held, were fully in prospect, and there was not a cloud in the sky. Shortly after seven o'clock, dense masses of people, from town and country, began to pour into the square by all its approaches, and in a short time an enormous multitude crowded around the platform from which speakers were to address the meeting.

Mar 19, 2022
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