Seeing the Ugliness
Series Malachi
Seeing the Ugliness
A Study in Malachi 1
Esau descendants are very similar to Adam's - the curse has fallen on them all. And, as with all humanity, when they are passed over and left to themselves, they all perish without God in their own rebellion (Acts 14 ; Psalm 147:19 ; Genesis 25-27 ; Romans 9 ; Obadiah ; Isaiah 34 ; Jeremiah 49)
We can't miss this: they were so out of step and out of tune with God, being in step with their own ways and everything but God, they couldn't see, recognize or hold others accountable because they were so far from Him and out step with Him they could only reply to what God said with: IN WHAT WAY or WHEREIN?
They had damaged God's identity before their own people and the world around them, by:
- Disputed/Denying God's Love
#nestingwithjesus #malachi #malachi1 #malachi1and11thru14 #romans1and5thru6 #romans15and16 #hebrews12 #genesis25 #genesis26 #genesis27 #romans9 #jeremiah6and27 #esau #jacob #rights #rightwithGod #prioritytoberight #prioritytoberightwithGod #priorityofrights #jacobandesau #repentance #tears #blessings #rights #love #hate #hatred #envy #jealousy #favor
Sermon ID | 31722132386848 |
Duration | 46:24 |
Date | Mar 18, 2022 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Malachi 1; Romans 9 |
Language | English |