
Praying and Discerning

Praying and Discerning

Praying the word of and discerning those who are the worker of God.

Discerning the servants of Jesus… by their love, loyalty and labor.

Our justice system says, "All are innocent until proven guilty," and thankfully so! God, on the other hand, is an entirely different story. He declares all, "Guilty until proven innocent."

Let me explain...

Who then is guilty UNTIL proven innocent? If I understand the gospel correctly, everyone is guilty until they are proven innocent by the indelible and irreversible markings of God's redeeming grace.

Glory... the transformation of an enemy of the works and ways of God to a disciple of Jesus Christ is an everlasting and ever present work that does not go unnoticed nor unwanted in the life of those who have entrusted their sin and life to Jesus and His redeeming work of grace.

#nestingwithjesus #malachi #malachi3 #prayerseries #prayingthewordofGod #discerningthoseworkingforGod #vain #empty #uselesstoserve #seek #share #Jesus questioning God no advantage doing right discern scathing #rebuke #isaiah32 #identity #1john5 #john7 #romans2 #seeking #jeremiah9and3 #1corinthians16and22 #2john #powerofGod #graced #workers #love #guiltyuntilproveninnocent

Mar 16, 2022
Sunday Service
Malachi 3; Romans 2:6-10
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