Reformed Infant Baptismal Regeneration
Series Article
The Roman Catholic Church, Lutherans1 and the Church of England hold that a minister sprinkling babies and using the right formula regenerates those infants. But what about the Reformed who baptise infants? What do they believe? What follows is self-evident. The statements – which are just a sample of what might be gathered – are riddled with Christendom-speak, brought about by the mixing of the two covenants, the old and the new. I refer to such things as talk of Israel and the ekklēsia as two aspects of one church, talk of the visible church, sacraments, with baptism – sprinkling – as a seal. And, it must be borne in mind, the use of 'seal' means guarantee, assurance.
Sermon ID | 31423193801466 |
Duration | 27:20 |
Date | Mar 14, 2023 |
Category | Teaching |
Language | English |