
Repentance Part 4

132 ( 93 | 39 )

INTRO: In the subject of repentance we have been answering the question: How important is repentance? Well, Owen Roberts is right, it is the first word of the Gospel. That is from a man who has preached it all his life. We looked at the importance of repentance in the OT; in the NT, and as given by Owen Roberts. But we want to look at its importance in life. What does it do in life?
The greatest agent of change for the good in the life of sinful man is the Gospel, and repentance is the first word! In the late 1800's psychology came on the scene. Psychology has sought to change people's lives and it is not without some success, but it has never brought anyone to the new birth. The Word of God and the Spirit of God are essential to bringing about biblical change, and the change happens when true repentance and faith takes place.
We discussed in SS, what comes first, repentance or faith? In the last message we read Jonah 3. Listen to Jonah 3:4, here is the message:

Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Service
Luke 13:1-5
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