Fighting For Their Rights
Series Malachi
Fighting For Their Rights
But not what is right or seeking to be right with God.
Esau is a man who sought for what he thought was his rights or what was rightfully his, even with tears, but never found room for seeking to be right with his Maker.
Sound familiar?
When someone fights for their rights, more than fighting to be right with God, it's in evitable that the rights they are fighting for will always be from the wrong perspective.
We're all going to be held accountable for the things that we fight for. Because the things that we fight will be the things that we value most in life. And if what we are fighting for is our rights but we're not fighting or valuing to be right with God our motive no matter how popular they may be will always be subject and questionable. For the Bible says that every way of a man is right in his own eyes but it's the Lord who weighs the spirit. We could be right in our motive but what are right to seek is not to be right with God we devalue
The question is not, am I right? The better question is, is God right? And if God is right, do I believe that He is right and does what's right. And if I believe that He is right, do I act on what He says is right and righteous for me to trust. Am I more concerned my so called rights or being right with God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ?
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Sermon ID | 312221623452033 |
Duration | 16:25 |
Date | Mar 12, 2022 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Hebrews 12; Malachi 1 |
Language | English |