We Borrow Everything
Series Mark
We Borrow Everything
"O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his own steps..." (Jeremiah 10:23)
Say it with me? EVERYONE, yes, EVERYONE is INFLUENCED by someone or something... NONE OF US are as independent in our thinking as we thought. NO ONE is an INDEPENDENT thinker that walks to the beat of his own drum. Someone or something is influencing you... and their influence didn't start today. You've learned and cultivated what they showed to fit into your own life. And it's in your (our) best interest to know who or what it is. Jeremiah realized he had been mislead and he's now confessing and asking the Lord to direct his steps away and out of the wrong influence.
We're all living off of "Borrowed Bread" and like the five loaves and two fish, we don't need much to make a big difference... you'll just need Jesus to make it happen.
It just needs to be:
– Edible
– Bless•able
– Breakable
– Shareable
WE need to remember:
– He's enough...
– I'm enough in Him...
– What I have is enough for Him to use.
– We are enough to complete His compassion for the people.
#nestingwithjesus #mark #mark6 #matthew14 #fish #loaves #placeyourlifeinHishands #stayhungrymyfriends #thewayoftheMaster #learningfromthebest #callings #anointed #nugget #findingtheextraordinaryinordinarythings #tipfortheheart #honor #dishonor #familiar #unappreciative #familiarity #toofamiliarwithsomeone #toofamiliarwithsomething #diminishestheirvalue #diminishesitsworth
Sermon ID | 2721125406512 |
Duration | 33:45 |
Date | Feb 7, 2021 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Mark 6; Matthew 14 |
Language | English |