
Willing to Lose... for His Gain

Willing to lose — if it means gain for Jesus

The Alpha and Omega...

God had the first word over me and He'll have the last word.

The first and last word of us.

God of our past, present and future.

What a great, glorious and gracious expectation of life and life eternal.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty (over today, yesterday and forevermore)" (Revelation 1:8).


He had the first word over me, and He'll have the last.

Who Cannot Lie (Titus 1:1-3)

  1. God made a promise (the entire scope of eternal life in view of that promise)

  2. God manages His own promise (on both sides of time and performed it in time)

  3. God manifested that promise in time (that He made before time and managed through time to make good on His promise when time is no more)

  4. God makes good on His promise now and forever.

God's eternal salvation, in Christ Jesus:

It's origin is eternal.
It's oath is eternal.
It's order is eternal.
It's object is eternal.
It's offering is eternal.
It's objective is eternal.
It's outcome is eternal.
It's obligation is eternal.
It's offense is eternal.

If ever saved, forever saved... for God's salvation is revealed in time, but it is in no wise limited by time nor is it limited by men, who are limited to time. His saving grace is granted, guarded and guaranteed eternally. It rest on both sides of time... therefore, I can rest in Him and His promise of eternal life. Glory!!! (2 Timothy 1:8-10 ; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).

Think about it?

If He's not the Almighty of "what was" for me, [my past]

He's not the Almighty of "what is" ...

Sep 2, 2022
Sunday Service
Isaiah 61; Revelation 1; Revelation 1:8; Titus 1:1-3
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