
1098 Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, The Ear Pt-5&6

These two half lessons are re-edited into one that considers the genius in God's design of our outer ears. The odd shapes of the outer ears are much more than they appear. They are actually just one of the three parts of our ears but they add very special information for our understanding.
In Solomon's book of proverbs he wrote, "The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them". These sensors collect enormous amounts of physical information; break it down into minuscule bits of electrical pulses and send it to the brain to be interpreted and understood. Like a computer and a scanner but these are far more complicated and are living tissues. This miracle of design is lost however due to the Church having allowed people who deny the existence of a Creator to replace God with a "Big Bang" or "Mother Nature", both of which are just vain imaginations, see Romans chapter one.
In reality these organs are so complicated that mankind is still trying to understand out how they work. The odd shape of the outer ear is only the first step in separating the myriad of vibrations of air molecules around us. It then creates its own set of echoes just milliseconds apart to begin to identify proximity, distance and volume and separate the meaningful sounds from other noises.

Feb 18, 2022
Psalm 111:2-4; Psalm 148:1-13
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