009 Cherubims and Seraphims (Genesis 3:22-24) 1 of 2
Series Angels & The Spirit World
CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Jezebel false teacher Beth Moore demonstrates a conscience seared as with a hot iron. (2) Conservative gubernatorial candidates in the Ohio GOP primary are splitting the vote and giving RINO Mike DeWine an easy win.
In our study, we simply read and discuss what the Bible says about Cherubims and Seraphims. From the reason the KJB translators used "ims" (double plural) to the unimaginable but amazing descriptions given of these angelic, heavenly creatures.,
Sermon ID | 217222037317343 |
Duration | 25:59 |
Date | Feb 16, 2022 |
Category | Radio Broadcast |
Bible Text | Ezekiel 10; Genesis 3:22-24 |
Language | English |