The King is Judged
Series Mark
Who is Jesus? That was the basic question that the high priest put to Jesus when He was on trial. Many people try to mold Him into an image that they like instead of who He says He is. In the presence of the high priest, Jesus declared Himself to be the long-awaited Messiah, the Anointed Son of God. He was the One Whom David himself would call Lord in Psalm 110. And He not only claimed Divine Personhood, but He also identified Himself as the Judge. Moreover, He is both our High Priest and our perfect Sacrifice. We don't deserve to be called His sheep, but He truly did humble Himself, suffer, and die. The Messiah of Scripture is our King, High Priest, and Sacrifice; and in Him, we have everlasting life!
Sermon ID | 21124195724647 |
Duration | 37:45 |
Date | Feb 11, 2024 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Mark 14:53-65 |
Language | English |