Modesty: Wearing the Robes of Righteousness (Father Daughter Retreat) by Scott Brown
Series Scott Brown Messages
AT SEE SCOTT BROWN'S AMAZING 54 SECOND VIDEO REVIEW OF THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (Pastor Scott Brown is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches, NCFIC).
Below is the transcript from this video.
Scott Brown: Hey Reg Barrow, this is Scott Brown. I'm doing a conference on the Baptist Confession of 1689, and just right after I gave my last message, this guy comes up to me, and he asks me a question about the Puritan Hard Drive. So, what did you ask?
Tall Guy: Scott, this is a simple question: What do you think of the Puritan Hard Drive?
Scott Brown: I love it. You have to get it. It's the best thing. It's the best for the money you'll ever get anyplace in books.
Tall Guy: Okay. Here's a question, 'cause I've read a little bit about it. But tell me about the Search Engine. Is it, do you type in an author, do you type in a word, a topic, what do you do?
Scott Brown: Yes, yes, author, topic. It's so easy, it will take you to anything you want. It's absolutely phenomenal.
Tall Guy: Have you exhausted the resources?
Scott Brown: You cannot exhaust them. It's impossible. It's so vast. But I'm telling you, as far as a research tool, it's second to none. Unbelievable stuff. And the search, the search function is just beautiful.
Tall Guy: Alright, thank you.
Scott Brown: There you go.
Pastor Paul Washer reviews and recommends the Puritan Hard Drive at
More Puritan Hard Drive Reviews
Sermon ID | 15121154247 |
Duration | 1:12:42 |
Date | Jan 5, 2012 |
Category | Teaching |
Bible Text | 1 Peter 3:3-6; 1 Timothy 2:9 |
Language | English |