
Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth

The fact that Lord chastens his children used to be a common topic of sermons, but seems to have gone the way of so many other things, like sin, repentance, and eternal punishment. But the idea of chastisement that involves punishment is now out of fashion in the churches; no one believes in it anymore, especially any kind of punishment that involves physical discomfort or pain. The idea of God "dealing" with us is now perceived only in terms of his blessings and his tender care toward us. Therefore, there is no fear of God among churchgoers because they do not believe they will have to answer to God, and He will do nothing in response to their sin and disobedience. But for those who still read and believe the Bible it is unmistakably clear that God chastens those whom He loves, and that it sometimes involves punishment and pain. If you are a true child of God He knows how to make you live right. If you can skip church, compromise on moral issues, and put the world before the things of God, and God does not deal with you, it is simply because you are not truly saved.

Dec 29, 2024
Sunday - AM
Deuteronomy 8:5-6; Hebrews 12:5-11
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