
A Bloody Stump: ... Part 3! And, Does the Mind require the Physical to exist?

We always have entropy and uncertainty and now we have Dark Matter. No one has ever found it. But it's unseen? But the Bible deals with unseen all over the place. Your life force is unseen. Colossians 1:15-17 and John 4:24 talks about the unseen God. We see the Creator in the invisible and they see Darkness... Ironic. But they don't equate Dark Matter to the spiritual. They can't. How do you find God if you can't see Him? A body was given spirit in Genesis 2:7.

We get into brain processes, which cannot and does not produce subjective experiences. The physical reality is not required for the mind to exist. Also... the mountains are the results of the flood. Why do we worship physical things? He says, “Worship Me in spirit.” We discuss the wisdom of George Berkeley. He taught that the spiritual has no need for the physical, but the physical has to have the nonphysical to exist. We refer you to the verse that asks us, “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?” Our subjective selves don't need the physical to exist. Back to Genesis 2:7 we go.

But alas! We must get back to our most popular topic which is entitled “A Bloody Stump In The Mail?” This is Judges 19-21. We have a letter from Wendy from Dallas Texas asking serious questions about this. And rightfully so. This is not your regular passage. It's Extraordinary! What Evil is this? What caused this? This is Genesis 6! This is Genesis 19:20... And if you think that sodomy is what got Sodom destroyed... think again. You have to have a conclusion here that measures up to what God calls Great Evil.

There's much more here in this lecture, and I'll leave it up to you to push play!

Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Service
Genesis 6; Judges 19
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