
The Last Supper

The Passover had been celebrated for centuries. The people of Israel would remember the Lord's work of redemption that He had done for them, year after year, as they waited for the coming of the Messiah. Every year they would remember and long for the Suffering Servant to come and the New Covenant to be established.

Jesus stepped into this Passover tradition but said and did some things that are different. This Last Supper was a new redemption celebration for Jesus' disciples. God has redeemed us from the wages of sin and death. The redemption that He purchased was greater than anything connected with the Israelites' Exodus from Egyptian slavery.

God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed for us, and we are no longer a slave to sin and death. Our King laid down His life for us. And we can sing the words of Psalm 118 because we know that our Redeemer lives and we can have the hope of true freedom!

Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Service
Mark 14:12-26
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