
Faith and Unbelief

Faith and Unbelief

Blessings friends... let's talk about faith and unbelief and how we can recognize both. Our Nesting with Jesus reading today, in Romans 4, illustrates to us the precious work of faith, and how faith, in God and His promises, is the only way God imputes righteousness to a believers life.

He uses Abraham to show us (1) how faith works and (2) how to recognize unbelief. Think about Abraham... he DID NOT CONSIDER the fact that his reproductive life was over, nor the reality that his wife's womb was dead, when the Lord told him he would have a child. They both had a a legitimate limitation. They both naturally were unable to have children because of their age. But when God spoke to Abraham, Abraham did not "factor" his current reality into God's equation. Even though he and his wife were physically incapable of having children... he was so caught up in God's promise, and captured by God's commitment to them, he DID NOT consider their realtime limitations, but he took the Lord at His word. He simply trusted Him (Romans 4:18-22).

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Mar 18, 2022
Sunday Afternoon
James 1; Romans 4
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