
Vision - Intelligent foresight

Is just a little span alongside eternity. As we know it here on Earth. A man's life span, the gift given to man from God is the time that we have here on Earth to prepare for that unending eternity. The little span that we call time. And in that span of time, we are called to make a choice. We read that we are to choose life or death. Why that both thou and thy seed may live. What is life? What we just read? That God, he is thy life. God is life and he gives us life through faith. Through repentance and the work of the Holy Spirit in our life. Whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting what life? God gives us life through his son. Now we have the ability to reason and to make that choice, to choose life or death. God is glorified when we voluntarily choose life. Choose to serve him. We don't have to. We can choose to serve God, or we can choose not to serve God.

Dec 29, 2024
Sunday Service
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
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