
[01/22/2023 AM] - "Faith and Broadness in the Kingdom" - Mark 9:38-42

When we gather on the Lord's Day in God's house we hope to enjoy the great privilege of corporate worship, twice. We will be Christ-centered, Word-directed, and neighbor-loving, seeking to glorify our Triune God.

In the morning we will be in Mark 9.38-42. The AM text in Mark is challenging in several ways. Please pray for glory to come to the Lord as He helps us through that difficult text.

Scripture Reading: Mark 9:38-42
Text: Mark 9.38-42
Message: "Faith and Broadness in the Kingdom"

Theme: True faith in King Jesus must not be restricted, for truly it is broader than we think

  1. True faith in King Jesus allowed demonic exorcism

  2. And His disciples must not restrict it

  3. True faith in King Jesus enables many to offer gifts

  4. Scuttling true faith in King Jesus will bring destructive punishment

Jan 22, 2023
Sunday - AM
Mark 9:38-42
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