
The Glory of the Lord Shone

The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father's only-begotten Son, coming into this world in His Incarnation, was I believe, one of greatest events in all of human history. I think that all Christians ought to give Christ's Incarnation the highest place in their worshipful regard, alongside all the great actions of His earthly ministry, and the culmination of it, in His death and His resurrection from the dead, and His ascension to sit at the Father's right hand. All of these events have been crowned with glory by His Father. But in this particular incident of the angel coming to the shepherds, we find that the glory which was revealed also excelled. It shone all around the angels and the shepherds.
The glory of God was revealed here at this time, in certain particular ways which are nowhere else found in the Scriptures, except in the transfiguration of our Lord. The Shining of God's glory excelled, in that more of God the Father's infinite and eternal purposes concerning our salvation are revealed to us, by the angel and the other angels with him. And so, here in these verses God shines forth in His glory in some very amazing ways, so that all men will understand His goodwill towards them in the giving of His Son. There are, I believe, 3 particular ways that the glory of the Lord shone forth at this time of the birth of our Savior.

Dec 18, 2022
Sunday - AM
Genesis 49:10; Luke 2:1-14
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