
60 the benediction

Since this is the last of the last book of the Bible, we want to outline the full council of God from The Fall of Satan to the benediction in Revelation Chapter 22. 1. Fall of Halal who became Satan
2. Creation
3. Fall
4. Fallen Angels enter the world
5. Flood
6. Tower of Babel, Language Confusion
7. Call of Abraham and the Abrahamic Covenant
8. Isaac
9. Jacob-became Israel
10. Twelve Tribes of Israel
11. Down to Egypt
12. 400 Years
13. Exodus of Egypt under Moses- Promises of Land Covenant-Mosaic Covenant
14. Joshua conquers most of the Promise Land
15. Period of Judges
16. Last Judge is Samuel
17. Samuel Anoints Saul The First King under United Monarchy
18. Samuel Anoints David as Second King-Receives the Davidic & Land Covenants
19. Solomon succeed David
20. Kingdom splits after civil war into Northern Israel and Southern Judah
21. North is carried away into captivity by Assyrians
22. South is carried away into captivity by Babylonians-Starts the Times of the Gentiles
23. Captivity in Babylon-Jeremiah receives the New Covenant-Ezekiel receives the images of the Millennial Temple, Millennium, Allied Invasion of Israel by Russians and Muslim Allies
24. Daniel receives visions of Christ's seventy weeks; times of the Gentiles and all world history regarding which form of government controls the world.
25. Medes & Persians conquer Babylon
26. Return to Israel by twelve tribes under Ezra & Nehemiah
27. Greeks Conquer Medes
28. Romans conquer Greeks.
29. Christ is born lives and dies
30. Church is born, Described in the book Acts
31. Paul is chosen to write 13 books of the NT and evangelize the Gentiles

Nov 3, 2024
Sunday Service
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