Act, Declaration, & Testimony, For The Whole Of The Covenanted Reformation #9
Series Covenanted Reformation Defense
The title continues: As, Also, Against All The Steps Of Defection From Said Reformation, Whether In Former Or Later Times, Since The Overthrow Of That Glorious Work, Down To This Present Day
Upholds the original work of the Westminster Assembly and testifies to the abiding worth and truth formulated in the Westminster family of documents. Upholds and defends the crown rights of King Jesus in church and state, denouncing those who would remove the crown from Christ's head by denying His right to rule (by His law) in both the civil and ecclesiastical spheres. Testifies to the received doctrine, government, worship, and discipline of the Church of Scotland in her purest (reforming) periods. Applies God's Word to the Church's corporate attainments.
Shows the church's great historical victories (such as the National and Solemn League and Covenant, leading to the Westminster Assembly) and exposes her enemies actions (e.g. the Prelacy of Laud; the Independency, sectarianism, covenant breaking and ungodly toleration set forth by the likes of Cromwell [and the Independents that conspired with him]; the Erastianism and civil sectarianism of William of Orange, etc.).
It is not likely that you will find a more consistent working out of the principles of Calvinism anywhere. A basic text that should be mastered by all Christians.
Puritan Hard Drive Sale
Sermon ID | 113141546112 |
Duration | 51:12 |
Date | Jan 13, 2014 |
Category | Audiobook |
Bible Text | Ezekiel 20:25; Numbers 27:15-17 |
Language | English |