
Revelation (12) The New Heaven & New Earth

On Sunday, Pastor Randy wrapped up our study of Revelation: Are we living in the End Times? His message focused on Rev. 21-22: the new heaven and new earth, that those who are in Christ will spend eternity with God in the New Jerusalem and we see Him face-to-face! The New Jerusalem will measure 1,400 mi. long, wide AND high, and therefore it will be a cube rising up from the earth to heaven. Its gates and its foundations will have the names of the twelve tribes and twelve apostles, respectively.

From the city will flow the water of life and on either side of the river will be the tree of life, producing twelve crops of fruit in their seasons. The book (and the Bible) ends with three statements of the promise that Jesus is coming soon and the three statements of the appeal to all people to come and take the free gift of the water of life.

"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus."

And with the close of the book of Revelation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we now turn our attention to His First Coming, as we begin the Season of Advent this Sunday. Each week leading up to Christmas, we will focus on the Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love of Christ. May we all make two commitments this Advent Season:

  1. Worship Jesus with us each week
  2. Invite others to worship with us each week
Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Service
Revelation 21-22
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